Friday, December 23, 2011

Holiday Hiatus

Hello Friends!

The holidays have put a lot of things on hold for me - blogging, exercising, and clean eating to name a few.  I'm doing my best to keep it all together, but honestly, I have zero self control around all these delicious holiday treats.  Here are some of my favorites...

1.  Snickerdoodles
2.  Oreo bars
3.  Sugar cookies with sprinkles and frosting in fun shapes
4.  Pancakes and gigantic scrumptious breakfasts on cold mornings
5.  Delicious breads... banana nut bread, pumpkin bread, spice cake, etc.
6.  Trader Joe's Sipping Chocolate (thanks Mom!)
7.  Ginger snaps
8.  Have I said pumpkin bread?  And muffins?

Oh man.  The list could go on and on.

What I've discovered about myself is this:  In general, I eat pretty well, and when I start eating more sugar, I feel it.  Fast.  It really affects me and not in a good way.  It makes me feel awful.  I've also discovered that I have zero self control.  If there is sugar around, I have to have it.  Yikes!  This is bad for my waistline, for sure.

With all these things in mind, I've taken a few steps to get ready for 2012, the end of the holiday season, and returning to my normal lifestyle.

First, I purchased Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet books, which I am super pumped about.  I love culinary inspiration!  Tosca is all about eating whole, healthy foods, and I can't wait to spice up my weekly menus with some of her creative recipe ideas.

Second, I have accepted that I have a sugar problem, and after the holidays, I am purging my kitchen.  If sweets aren't around I have no problems, but if they're there, I go bonkers.  Therefore, it's time.  (I should probably pre-apologize to my man :-D).

Third, I AM TURNING TWENTY FIVE IN MARCH.  Oh my gawd.  And I'm going to the beach in April.  This is a serious double whammy.  I am determined to be as confident and awesome as this girl before I turn 25:
Greatest Nike ad ever.            

Because - she is hot.
I am also excited because I have a few workout buddies now.  Yahoo!  I have a friend at work and another girlfriend in town who are interested in lifting weights AND go to my gym!  Yes.  I'm so excited.  This is going to be fun, I can feel it already.
Apologies for the lack of posting recently.  I'll be back full fledged in January.  Keep your eyes peeled for a 2012 SMART goals posting - I am a huge believer in goal setting!
Enjoy the holiday season!

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