Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Remember Why You Started!

I love this quote - what an awesome motivation.

Right now I'm working two jobs just a couple days a week for extra money (aka paying off student loans as fast as possible).  Yesterday was my first "second" shift, and it was awesome.  I love my second job, the people that I work with, etc.  However, it makes it tough to stick to your fitness goals when you work 14-15 hours a day.  Let's face it - I left my house at 6:40am and did not get home until 9pm.  Now, I'm not complaining - I'm grateful for the opportunity to work, meet new people, and continue to move into a better financial position.  So, how do you reconcile all of that with your fitness goals?

For me, this is going to be mostly diet.  Diet is where I struggle the most anyway, and at 9pm when I haven't eaten since 4pm, the temptation to just go for what's handy is going to be difficult to overcome. 

This leads me to two conclusions.  First, I have to continue to always be prepared - make lots of food on the weekends (protein bars, protein pancakes, chicken breast, veggies, brown rice... easy things to reheat) and use the food I prepare.  Second, maybe I'll print this quote out and put it on the dash in my car and on my fridge.  That way, on the way home I'll see these inspirational words and reflect on WHY I'm exercising and eating well.  Then, when I get home and am reaching for something (potentially) naughty in the fridge (or cupboard?  that's where the double stuffed oreos are...) I'll see these words again.

Hopefully I'm strong willed, driven, and dedicated enough for these steps to help me stay committed to my April bikini-cruise goals.

Tell me... what keeps you motivated?  What are your inspirations?  Is it quotes, images, progress pictures, or a combination?  WHY are you working towards a fitness goal?  Is it to look good?  Feel good?  Be there longer for your kids or grandkids?  Avoid health problems?  Please, share here!

Happy Tuesday, and happy living!


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