Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Leg Day - Crutch Day?

Tonight I had a killer leg day at the gym.  I did use the foam roller (thanks for the inspiration Zazzle!) so hopefully that will help minimize any potential soreness that will inevitably develop.

The interesting event of the night happened during some wide leg squats.  I like to use the Smith Machine for squats for a couple of reasons.  First, I get scared using the total free weight bar thing (official name??) for squats because I'm terrified of 1. not being able to stand all the way back up and 2. not having good form.  I don't have a workout buddy where I live right now, so I don't have anybody to spot me and help me if I'm faltering mid-set or mid-rep.  So, my solution is to use the Smith Machine.  The Smith Machine helps guide my movements so that I feel more in control, and less like I am going to tip over and die.

Tonight I was setting up the Smith Machine and this older gentleman came over to ask if he could borrow the safety clips (the things that hold the big plate weights on the bar).  I said of course (I was doing low weights to warm up, and honestly my heavy weight isn't really anything to stress about anyways).  We got into a brief conversation about the Smith Machine vs. the free bar.  We were talking about how the true benefits of free weights is building stabilizer muscles (little balancing muscles) and how the machine doesn't let you do that.  The gentleman ended up saying to me, "in the end, it's fine to use the Smith Machine, so long as you're not using it as a crutch".

This hit me pretty hard.

His comment made me realize that I am 100% using the Smith Machine as a crutch.  I should probably just lift less weight and use the free bar.

But what it really made me think was... what else am I using at a crutch?

Right now I know it's time, the light change, new/longer hours at work until the season starts, "I just need chocolate", and probably a couple of other excuses.  But that's all these things are... excuses.


I am 100% capable of achieving my fitness goals.  I know I am.  I've done some pretty cool athletic things in my life, including placing in the top 10 of my age group in my first (and only) Olympic Triathlon.  What was crazy was that I didn't even train that hard for those results.  I did some work, but I really could have done the full training schedule that I was LUCKY enough to be provided.  But I was too busy, too tired, wanted to go out with friends, etc etc etc.

I was full of crutches.

What if I had trained and given it 100% leading up to the race?

So I'm thinking it's time to start giving 100%.  What do you think?  Where could you give 100% in your life?  What crutches, excuses, or mental blocks are you facing to meet your goals?  How will you overcome them?

I'm thinking progress pictures could be motivational.  I also like printing out or writing out my workouts and watching them stack up... it's a visual indication of the work I've done so far.  I'll keep you posted.

Happy Tuesday!

PS - I also *almost* crushed my toes with a weight after the older gentleman walked away.  It was mildly terrifying.

1 comment:

  1. the recipe for the sweet potato cakes is linked in the text under the picture. the rest are below :)
