Friday, December 30, 2011

Goal Setting - Woot!

Hello there friends!

2012 is around the corner, wahoo!  I'm so excited for a new year full of friends, family, love, and good times in our amazing mountain town. 

One thing that I really believe in for creating a successful, fulfilling life is goal setting.  There is an art to goal setting - I am personally a fan of SMART goals.  These are goals that are
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Timely
... smart!  This is a system to help you achieve the things you actually want.  This system is real and it works.  You should also write down your goals.  Writing goals down helps you solidify them in your mind and gives you the opportunity to create your timeline, how you will measure the goal, etc.  Writing goals basically helps you create a "game plan" with the SMART system.

Sharing goals with friends is another great way to stay on course.  Sharing goals with friends makes them more "real" - mainly because you are making your goals known, and have an opportunity to be held accountable.

I'm pretty out of commission this week - I'm sick with a head cold that's going around my work.  Boo!  So in 2012, expect some blog posts about my personal goals. 

What are your goals?  What do you want to achieve in 2012 - personally, professionally, fitness goals, etc?  Please feel free to share, and start the accountability now!


Friday, December 23, 2011

Holiday Hiatus

Hello Friends!

The holidays have put a lot of things on hold for me - blogging, exercising, and clean eating to name a few.  I'm doing my best to keep it all together, but honestly, I have zero self control around all these delicious holiday treats.  Here are some of my favorites...

1.  Snickerdoodles
2.  Oreo bars
3.  Sugar cookies with sprinkles and frosting in fun shapes
4.  Pancakes and gigantic scrumptious breakfasts on cold mornings
5.  Delicious breads... banana nut bread, pumpkin bread, spice cake, etc.
6.  Trader Joe's Sipping Chocolate (thanks Mom!)
7.  Ginger snaps
8.  Have I said pumpkin bread?  And muffins?

Oh man.  The list could go on and on.

What I've discovered about myself is this:  In general, I eat pretty well, and when I start eating more sugar, I feel it.  Fast.  It really affects me and not in a good way.  It makes me feel awful.  I've also discovered that I have zero self control.  If there is sugar around, I have to have it.  Yikes!  This is bad for my waistline, for sure.

With all these things in mind, I've taken a few steps to get ready for 2012, the end of the holiday season, and returning to my normal lifestyle.

First, I purchased Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet books, which I am super pumped about.  I love culinary inspiration!  Tosca is all about eating whole, healthy foods, and I can't wait to spice up my weekly menus with some of her creative recipe ideas.

Second, I have accepted that I have a sugar problem, and after the holidays, I am purging my kitchen.  If sweets aren't around I have no problems, but if they're there, I go bonkers.  Therefore, it's time.  (I should probably pre-apologize to my man :-D).

Third, I AM TURNING TWENTY FIVE IN MARCH.  Oh my gawd.  And I'm going to the beach in April.  This is a serious double whammy.  I am determined to be as confident and awesome as this girl before I turn 25:
Greatest Nike ad ever.            

Because - she is hot.
I am also excited because I have a few workout buddies now.  Yahoo!  I have a friend at work and another girlfriend in town who are interested in lifting weights AND go to my gym!  Yes.  I'm so excited.  This is going to be fun, I can feel it already.
Apologies for the lack of posting recently.  I'll be back full fledged in January.  Keep your eyes peeled for a 2012 SMART goals posting - I am a huge believer in goal setting!
Enjoy the holiday season!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Giving > Receiving

So this year's Christmas officially rocks!  My man and I are going on a cruise in April, so we wanted to keep Christmas low key.  BUT then we decided that we're part of this amazing community in Colorado, and that we wanted to give back.
After all, we're very, very lucky.  Actually, we're blessed.  We wake up each morning in a warm bed, in a warm house, with food in the fridge and (even though I don't always want to admit it aka it's fun to shop) plenty of clothes to wear... that can even potentially be fashionable (sometimes).

And we have each other.

Not everyone is this lucky.  Really.

My man remembers kids making fun of other kids in his elementary school because they did not have enough clothes to wear for the week.  Seriously, how heart breaking is that?  Kids are cruel and times can be hard.  His story put things in perspective for me.

So with that in mind, we decided that we wanted to help out a family who isn't as lucky as we are this year.  To do this, we reached out to our local United Way Holiday Wishes program.

Shopping for our family was SO MUCH FUN!  What made it even better was that the store was FULL of other people shopping for families in the United Way Holiday Wishes program, too.  Yay for being part of an awesome community!

We totally hooked up our kiddos - my man is an amazing shopper, so we managed to stay in budget and get them EVERYTHING on their list!  What's fun about this is that we did get to pick out some fun little girly stuff for our family (the girls are 5 & 6) - Dora coloring books, Candyland, etc.  What made my heart break a little... and made me feel forever grateful... was that we also got them warm bedding, pants, underwear, and a couple of other basic necessities that I know I take for granted.

So this holiday season, let's remember what it's really about.  And let's take a minute and meditate on an important word: gratitude.

Instead of worrying about what we don't have, or what we want, let's just reflect on what we do have.  And how blessed we are.  And maybe be inspired to pay it forward, if you can.
Peace, love, and joy to everyone this holiday season,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Remember Why You Started!

I love this quote - what an awesome motivation.

Right now I'm working two jobs just a couple days a week for extra money (aka paying off student loans as fast as possible).  Yesterday was my first "second" shift, and it was awesome.  I love my second job, the people that I work with, etc.  However, it makes it tough to stick to your fitness goals when you work 14-15 hours a day.  Let's face it - I left my house at 6:40am and did not get home until 9pm.  Now, I'm not complaining - I'm grateful for the opportunity to work, meet new people, and continue to move into a better financial position.  So, how do you reconcile all of that with your fitness goals?

For me, this is going to be mostly diet.  Diet is where I struggle the most anyway, and at 9pm when I haven't eaten since 4pm, the temptation to just go for what's handy is going to be difficult to overcome. 

This leads me to two conclusions.  First, I have to continue to always be prepared - make lots of food on the weekends (protein bars, protein pancakes, chicken breast, veggies, brown rice... easy things to reheat) and use the food I prepare.  Second, maybe I'll print this quote out and put it on the dash in my car and on my fridge.  That way, on the way home I'll see these inspirational words and reflect on WHY I'm exercising and eating well.  Then, when I get home and am reaching for something (potentially) naughty in the fridge (or cupboard?  that's where the double stuffed oreos are...) I'll see these words again.

Hopefully I'm strong willed, driven, and dedicated enough for these steps to help me stay committed to my April bikini-cruise goals.

Tell me... what keeps you motivated?  What are your inspirations?  Is it quotes, images, progress pictures, or a combination?  WHY are you working towards a fitness goal?  Is it to look good?  Feel good?  Be there longer for your kids or grandkids?  Avoid health problems?  Please, share here!

Happy Tuesday, and happy living!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Coolest Website EVERRRRR!! - A Baker's Paradise

Hold on folks, because this is going to be a wild ride!  I can't wait to make EVERYTHING on this website, including chocolate protein Twinkies.

My only complaint is some of the ingredients aren't regular household ingredients... but hopefully one bulk purchase will fix that.

Read on, enjoy, drool, bake...

Protein Pow(D)er!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This week I feel as if I've bumped into crazy news article after crazy news article.

Here is some food for thought.  This eight year old boy weighs 200lbs.  That's a lot for being eight without a genetic disease.  It's sad, it's crazy, it makes me want to pull my hair out, it makes me want to yell at congress for calling pizza a vegetable, but most of all, it breaks my heart.  This poor kid.  He's eight.  He doesn't know any better.  What are his parents doing (or not doing)?

Here is part 2 of this crazy story.  Child protective services took this child from his parents.  Yes.  Obesity is now considered neglect.  Read on for details: 200lbs 8 Year Old, Washington Post 2011

So here is the question.  What is more tragic?  That an eight year old weighs 200lbs, which really is only partially his fault since he's so young, or that the government confiscated him?  Or is it a good thing that the child is now in foster care?  I'm not sure I can decide.

But one thing I'm sure of, is that I'm tired of hearing this:  “It’s not only the parents or the child,” he said. “Obesity is an epidemic in the United States. As a society we’re all responsible.”  No, Dr. Naim Alkhouri.  Every day I choose exactly what I feed myself - from a candy cane, to a cookie, to an extra serving of vegetables, or waiting thirty more minutes to make it to my next planned meal.  Each bite of food I take is a personal choice. 

Is society today saturated with obesity?  Yes.  Do they make video games to help you get in shape?  Yes.  There is offiically no excuse.  WE have the outdoors, the gym, AND video games to help us.  Plus a wealth of information about fitness and nutrition on websites, blogs, videos, and in magazines, books, etc. 

Why did we decide now to get fat?  And what was the tipping point that made Americans realize we've gone too far?  I'm not sure I know the answer, but I did love "Pandora's Seed" by Spencer Wells.  It shed some light on the issue, and I recommend it if you're interested in learning about food, obesity, and our human history.

Part two of this problem, on the total other end of the spectrum, is photoshop, and it's portrayal of women.  Hello, real Kim Kardashian: Photoshop... KK and others.

What does everybody think?  Is the nutrition of children the responsibility of the government (ruled by lobbies, even in school cafeterias), parents (who sometimes don't know what they're doing or can't afford nutritious foods), kids regardless of age, society... who?!  How do we fix this?  We really need to save our youngest generation.

Opinions?  Please share!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Food for Thought - One body, one mind.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~Buddha

Sunday, November 27, 2011

20 Weeks 'til BIKINI time!

Wahoo!  My man and I booked a cruise for the week of April 20 - yahoo!  I'm so excited.  We're going all places we've never been before - the Cayman Islands, Belize, Mexico, and a couple other stops.

Whereas I'm super excited about the trip, soaking up some rays after an awesome ski season, and spending times with my favorite person, I'm not too excited about wearing a bikini.  So, we're on the 20 week plan. 

Laugh as you will, I know it's a crazy long time to plan, but I have a reason.  I just started working, and I was working extremely long hours at first.  This totally threw me off my fitness routine.  This week I started my real hours, so it's time to get into a routine.  The bad news is that next week I start my second job (I know, I know) so I'll have to re-adjust my routine again.  So by the time I'm actually in a for real, season long routine will be mid December.  Great.

Hence the 20-week plan.  By the time I'm really in a routine I will be four months out, and I think that's a reasonable amount of time to expect to get in shape.  The plan is to get into the rhythm of exercising for four weeks.  Then, January 20, three months out, I'll start the LiveFit Program by Jamie Eason.  She is a baller and I believe in the science (and picture results) of her program. 

Her program includes comprehensive workouts and nutrition advice.  Check it out at Jamie Eason's Live Fit Program!

In one sentence:  I CAN'T WAIT!  Watch out, because this transformation is going to be awesome.

I took some before pictures, and as I take more I'll start posting them. 

What are your fitness goals?!  Post some favorites here!

PS - Does anybody want to do this with me??

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Crazy Saturday

Woah, it's not even 3pm and today has been crazy.

Usually on Saturday mornings I make a bee line for Zumba class - as you all know, I looove Zumba!  But today was different.  It is absolutely gorgeous outside!  We have clear blue skies, warm(er) temperatures, and Mt. Werner just looks awesome in Steamboat's backdrop.  So I decided there was no way I could spend today inside.  With that in mind, I had to get some early errands out of the way before the day could really begin.  I hit the bank, the post office (we are Ebay people, so we're in the post office all the time), the store, and the SKI SHOP!  WOOT!  My skis were there for way too long and absolutely had to be rescued.  I'm dying to make some turns this week, and now I'm ready to go!

On the way home from Ski Haus, I decided to go a different route than I usually go.  This other route could be a potential way to work, so I figured it was worth exploring.

Just a few minutes up the road I realized it could be trouble, so I slowed way down.  The other side of the road was dry because it spends most of the day in the sun.  My side of the road was mostly in the shade from all the beautiful trees that line the side of the road and their placement relative to the sun.  So, needless to say, it was icy.  And slick.  And a little scary in parts.  The speed limit was 25 miles per hour, and I was barely going 20mph.

All of the sudden, out of nowhere, I completely lost control of my car.  Within seconds I slid off the road, into the ditch full of snow, and was headed fast for a tree - a big tree.  One that could clearly do some damage, and it was right in front of my face.  AH!

Praise Jesus, I stopped about a foot in front of the tree.  I could not believe it.  I immediately threw my car in to four wheel drive and tried to back out.  No luck.  Forward?  No way.  I was totally stuck.  And then I realized - I didn't have my cell phone! 

A super nice girl stopped just at that moment, and from there, I was rescued.  Turns out I did have my cell phone (whew), and the nice girl, and two other cars stopped pretty quickly.  We decided that with a little digging, pulling me out was totally possible, so one of the cars went up the hill to get straps and a shovel.  By the time they got back, we were ready to go.  I used my windshield scraper to get most of the snow out from around the wheels and thought I had made a pretty good contribution to my rescue given my lack of supplies.

These people truly rescued me.  There is no way I would have been able to get out of that ditch myself.  But these good Samaritans took time out of their Saturday morning and pulled me out of the ditch.  Yay!  I tried to give them all some money and offered to take them out to dinner, but they just said to pay it forward.  Help the next person you see stuck in a ditch :-D

So, future person that's stuck in a ditch - no fear, I WILL STOP AND HELP YOU!

I am so grateful for those cars of people who stopped to help me.  Wow.  Thank you friendly Steamboat people!  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Thank you.  And Lord, thank you for stopping me from hitting that tree, because that was 100% you.

To recover from my quasi traumatic morning, I went for an awesome hike on one of the Spring Creek Trails by my house.  Fresh air, beautiful views, and getting my blood pumping was exactly what I needed.

All in all, a great day.  I would have settled for less eventful, but it's all good.  I'm just grateful to be unhurt and able to enjoy the great outdoors.

In light of the ditch incident, here are some Winter Car Emergency tips... just in case.
Winter Emergency kit... JUST IN CASE!

Live well friends, and enjoy the rest of this beautiful Saturday!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fired over a McDonald's Tweet? So much to catch up on, so little time!

The past few days have been crazy and fun, full of awesome cooking adventure (including pumpkin spice pancakes, an at home orange chicken, and a turkey taco mixture thing) - wahoo!  But more on that later.

A good friend of mine, who also happens to be a personal trainer, posted an interesting article on her Facebook page.  Apparently, an incredibly popular fitness instructor at a gigantic mega-gym got fired over a tweet.  And guess what that tweet was about?  An open McDonalds bag on the desk of a gym employee at Lifetime Fitness in Rockville, Maryland.

A of all - really?  Come on gym employee.  McDonalds?  My first response: not appropriate.

B of all - really?  Lifetime Fitness?  You fired this guy over a tweet when he is challenging people to change their lives, and teaches an apparently really fun spin class to over 60 individuals a week, and your regular employees are eating McDonalds?  Who do you think is actually fulfilling your company mission statement?

C of all - read Grant Hill's response.  He has an awesome argument about gyms, their structure, and how their built on failure.  It's totally true.  But how do you overcome this business model?  What can you do to bring fitness BACK to people?  How do you bring education on food back to people?  I mean honestly, the US Government reconstructed the food pyramid this year, and it makes no sense.  So what's the solution?  PE in schools?

Read on and check it out.

Occupy Lifetime - Grant Hill

Let me know what you think!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cooking Adventures

One thing you may or may not know about me is that I love to cook.  The bad news is that I'm not very good at it.

Baking, on the other hand, I've got a knack for.  I love muffins, cookies, cakes, pretty much anything with sugar and butter.  My baking passion sparked an interest for learning how to make some of these more delicious items in a "healthy" way.  For example, using baby food instead of oil/butter, substituting stevia for sugar, using greek yogurt, oat flour, etc.  Baking this way has been super fun.

With these things in mind, tonight was eventful for me.  On of my man's favorite meals is Beef Stroganoff... the Hamburger Helper kind.  That's right, I said it.  So I decided that I was going to figure out how to make this home made, because Lord knows if I'm going to eat Stroganoff, I want to put the butter in it myself.  Or at least just not heat it up out of a box.  It's way too weird (although alarmingly easy).

I decided to use Sam from Fitness, Food, and Faith's recipe for my first attempt at Beef Stroganoff.  Her recipe is basic, easy to follow, and because I absolutely can't stand sour cream, it involves one of my favorite foods - greek yogurt!  Since (as I mentioned) I'm a pretty terrible cook, I decided to follow this recipe exactly (except the sour cream).  And the man was happy.  Success!  I think we have a strong easy, weeknight dish for our repertoire.  We will tweek it a little bit, I'm sure, but I'm very proud of my kitchen prowess.

Ironically, the Spice Cake I decided to make from Lara's Simply Irresistible did not turn out as well.  Don't get me wrong, it's delicious.  But it could be a little more moist... and I know exactly why.  Stevia!  I didn't have any real sugar (go figure), so I used 1/4 cup of Splenda and a 1/4 cup of Stevia.  I almost (almost) put in an extra egg, which is usually what you have to do when you use sugar substitutes, but GAH I didn't.  Sad face.  This cake/bread is still DELICIOUS and full of amazing flavor, but I'm just sad that it's not as good as I know it could be.  Tear!  Re-do next weekend, for sure.

In other news, I was supposed to go to a CPR class all day today, but it ended up getting canceled at the very last second.  Instead of CPR class, I ended up at my favorite cardio activity of all time - ZUMBA!  Ditch the workout, join the party!  How can you not love Zumba?!  If you haven't tried it, you absolutely have to.  Just think of it as part of the balance - you work all kinds of muscles you don't work in the tri cardios (which are the most common) and it's definitely more challenging than a 30 minute lope on an elliptical.  So chicas, and chicos, trust me.  Just walk in and go for it.  You will definitely leave smiling, and probably with at least four new best friends.

In honor of the awesomeness of Zumba, check out this sweet video of one of the coolest ladies (and best Zumba teachers) I know - HEIDI GARZA!


PS - In her classes, I purposely always stood out of the mirror and just imagined to myself "I LOOK JUST LIKE HEIDI!"  Haha.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Leg Day - Crutch Day?

Tonight I had a killer leg day at the gym.  I did use the foam roller (thanks for the inspiration Zazzle!) so hopefully that will help minimize any potential soreness that will inevitably develop.

The interesting event of the night happened during some wide leg squats.  I like to use the Smith Machine for squats for a couple of reasons.  First, I get scared using the total free weight bar thing (official name??) for squats because I'm terrified of 1. not being able to stand all the way back up and 2. not having good form.  I don't have a workout buddy where I live right now, so I don't have anybody to spot me and help me if I'm faltering mid-set or mid-rep.  So, my solution is to use the Smith Machine.  The Smith Machine helps guide my movements so that I feel more in control, and less like I am going to tip over and die.

Tonight I was setting up the Smith Machine and this older gentleman came over to ask if he could borrow the safety clips (the things that hold the big plate weights on the bar).  I said of course (I was doing low weights to warm up, and honestly my heavy weight isn't really anything to stress about anyways).  We got into a brief conversation about the Smith Machine vs. the free bar.  We were talking about how the true benefits of free weights is building stabilizer muscles (little balancing muscles) and how the machine doesn't let you do that.  The gentleman ended up saying to me, "in the end, it's fine to use the Smith Machine, so long as you're not using it as a crutch".

This hit me pretty hard.

His comment made me realize that I am 100% using the Smith Machine as a crutch.  I should probably just lift less weight and use the free bar.

But what it really made me think was... what else am I using at a crutch?

Right now I know it's time, the light change, new/longer hours at work until the season starts, "I just need chocolate", and probably a couple of other excuses.  But that's all these things are... excuses.


I am 100% capable of achieving my fitness goals.  I know I am.  I've done some pretty cool athletic things in my life, including placing in the top 10 of my age group in my first (and only) Olympic Triathlon.  What was crazy was that I didn't even train that hard for those results.  I did some work, but I really could have done the full training schedule that I was LUCKY enough to be provided.  But I was too busy, too tired, wanted to go out with friends, etc etc etc.

I was full of crutches.

What if I had trained and given it 100% leading up to the race?

So I'm thinking it's time to start giving 100%.  What do you think?  Where could you give 100% in your life?  What crutches, excuses, or mental blocks are you facing to meet your goals?  How will you overcome them?

I'm thinking progress pictures could be motivational.  I also like printing out or writing out my workouts and watching them stack up... it's a visual indication of the work I've done so far.  I'll keep you posted.

Happy Tuesday!

PS - I also *almost* crushed my toes with a weight after the older gentleman walked away.  It was mildly terrifying.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Chocolate... an integral part of the balance!

How do you reconcile chocolate and the desire to be at least quasi healthy?  Jamie Eason's Chocolate Protein Bars!  They are the best.  I like to use the Banana/Mixed Berry baby food and this batch has some coffee in it too.  We will see how it goes!

Other than the amazing flavor, what I love about this recipe is how easy it is.  It takes about ten minutes to heat my oven, and in that time I get the whole batch ready.  This includes grinding oat flour (which is literally ground up oatmeal - I grind mine about 1/4 cup at a time in my coffee grinder) which I think is pretty impressive.

This recipe helps me with planning my food week.  Usually at the beginning of the week I make these and one other protein bar - pumpkin, lemon, etc... although I haven't mastered the lemon ones yet.  I can't get the texture as good as the chocolate ones.  In any case, this week I made these and also some baked parmesan/garlic chicken.  I made six pieces - enough for every day at lunch and one night of dinner.  This just helps me stay on point with my eating, since it's just as easy to heat up some chicken as it is to throw a pizza in the oven.

Here is the recipe for the protein bars... good luck and enjoy! 

PS - Nobody at my work believes these are good for you.  Really.

Chocolate Protein Bars

Calories:  96
Fat:  1.4 grams
Carbs:  12 grams
Protein: 10 grams


1 cup Oat Flour
4 Egg Whites
2 scoops Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
½ cup Splenda, Truvia, or Ideal
½ tsp Baking Soda
¼ tsp Salt
8oz Berry flavored Baby Food
3 tbsp Baking Cocoa
4oz Water

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Balance of the Day: Yoga

In February 2010, I started my 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Certification, which I finished about a year ago now.  It was an introspective journey I considered for a long time - even back in 311 Monument days when the Wahsatch CorePower was one of my regular stops.  That was where I fell in love with yoga.  I love the community, the energy, and overall how it makes me feel.  When I leave yoga, I feel amazing.  I feel open and real, like my true self?  Plus, it didn't hurt that the wine store was basically next door.

But really.  Yoga is an amazing thing, and I really believe it makes me whole as a person.  The practice encompasses flexibility and strength with a one of a kind mind-body connection you do not get anywhere else.  I think that is what turns some people off about yoga, or maybe it's just something people who have not tried it cannot understand.  But the first time you truly let go in savasana, or the first time you realize you are effortlessly flowing through movement with breath, you will know what I mean.  And it's worth it.

Well today was my first yoga class in six months.  Woah.  It was amazing, but also rough.  Whenever I stop practicing for any period of time, it's hard to accept where my body is.  Which is a huge part of yoga... accepting and embracing what is.  How funny, and how perfect.  So, yoga is back in my life and I could not be more excited.  I'll keep you posted on this journey as it evolves.

In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to post some of my favorite yoga swag.  Here are some pieces of yoga gear I loooooove...

1.  My LUCY yoga pants!  They're amazing and I always feel hot in them - thanks for a great Christmas present Mom!
Lucy pants - woot!

2.  Prana tops!  I usually buy used stuff off of Ebay (inexpensive = key), but this one looks cute and functional.  Perhaps this year's Christmas present?
Prana Kathleen top
3.  Last but not least, yoga is possible on a hardwood floor with socks, but that sounds pretty hard for me.  Instead, I opt for my Gaiam yoga mat that I've literally had since high school... which is now officially a long time ago.  When did we get old? 

Check out all the super sweet Gaiam products here:
Gaiam mats... mine's lasted since the days of high school!

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

It happened!

I am so excited!  It's time!  I finally made my own blog!

I read blogs every day - from fun fashion blogs (which is funny because I pretty much have two outfits - jeans or sweatpants?), to fitness blogs, to food blogs, and blogs that my friends have so I can keep up with their cute kiddos and their lives in general.  So tonight while I was reading some of these blogs, I decided... it's time.

So, welcome to The Balancing Act.  I realize that this is what life is about.  Balancing all the things we love... from people, to activities, to places, to moments... everything!  So, that's what this blog will be about (in addition to my general musings and occasional book reviews perhaps?  After all, it's all part of the balancing act!).

Amigos, thanks for the inspiration.  I feel like this will be a good thing, and I am so excited to get started!

PS - I barely know how to work a computer (exactly why I have a Mac) so it will take me awhile to do cool stuff like put pictures at the top of my page... just a heads up :-D  I'm all about managing expectations!